Not all men have the same type of skin. When purchasing shaving cream, it is critical to understand the differences between the two. When you have sensitive skin like most men, using the best shaving creams in Singapore can do more harm than good to your skin; therefore, don’t continue to use it.
There isn’t a single miracle shaving product that will work for every single man out there. Several great products work for specific skin types and can finally let you get a perfect shave.
For those of you who have experienced shaving problems such as razor bumps, ingrown hairs, or any other type of shaving problem, you are most likely using the incorrect cream or the incorrect razor and technique. Making a close shave is not rocket science; it is simply a matter of understanding what products are best to use.
Even though you won’t have many options if you shop at your local grocery store, you’ll have a much broader and more affordable selection if you shop online, preferably at trusted online stores such as, if you shop at a reputable online retailer.
Sensitive skin, oily skin, and dry skin are the most common skin types found in men. If you are unsure of your skin type, look for shaving creams made with natural ingredients and preferably free of fragrance. This is also recommended for men with sensitive skin. However, you will find many products proudly specify on the label what skin type their product is for.
There are shaving creams available for people with oily skin, so don’t be discouraged if you have oily skin! For men with normal to oily skin, The Art of Shaving, one of the best manufacturers, offers a beautiful lemon shaving cream explicitly designed for them. This is also true for dry skin; there are excellent products available, so be sure to look for appropriate products for your skin type.
In addition, you must use the proper razor for your skin type. Men with sensitive or problem skin usually find it better to shave with razors with fewer blades or a double edge safety razor. Also, look into men’s skincare to follow up with a moisturizer or some pre-shave products such as face wash or face scrub.
You don’t have to use every product or follow someone else’s skin routine. Use a pattern that gives you the best results. Men with sensitive skin do best with pre-shave oils and moisturizers, while men with oily skin need to use more face scrub, and men with dry skin need more moisturizer products for their skin.